Behaviour Change

PROPAGANDA FOR CHANGE is a project created by the students of Behaviour Change (ps359) and Professor Thomas Hills @thomhills at the Psychology Department of the University of Warwick. This work was supported by funding from Warwick's Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Eat The Rainbow and have a Heart of Gold!

Often it is difficult to keep track of what we eat everyday, and in our busy day to day schedules we can often substitute healthy snacks with foods that satisfy our immediate cravings. These are not necessarily the best for our health. By swapping these unhealthy snacks for fruit and vegetables that we can easily carry around with us, not only will our bodies feel clean and healthier, we also reduce the chance of multiple diseases which in turn can result in death (Wang et al, 2014).

As a result, the advert created attempts to persuade people of the importance of eating fruit and vegetables on a daily basis using association and valence framing (risky choice framing) techniques. 

When we have positive associations about a particular idea, belief or myth we are more inclined to give into to something that reminds us of that positive association (Praxmarer & Gierl, 2009). Levy (1981) found that myths offer people reassurance and a sense of security when they want to take a break from the overload scientific information can sometimes project. Extended research from Belk (1997), found that this positive association with myths can result in an increase in consumers desires. By using the Irish myth “at the end of the rainbow is a hidden pot of gold” this advert uses positive association to show people how eating fruit and vegetables can give them a healthy heart, “Eat the rainbow, and have a heart of gold.”

To further persuade people to eat fruit and vegetables on a daily basis this advert uses valence framing, in particular the risky choice framework. Kahneman and Tverskyin (1979), prospect theory suggests that when taking risks and evaluating them, people tend to give more weight to what is at stake  and what they can loose, as appose to what they might gain. Therefore in this advert by presenting the medical implications of not eating fruits and vegetables, it shows the audience what is at stake and what they can loose as a result. 

By using these two techniques I have aimed to persuade people to eat fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. I am hoping that I might start seeing more apples and blueberries in lectures instead of crips and chocolate bars! 

References :

Advert References

Bazzano, A.L., He, J., Ogden, G.L., Loria, C., Vupputuri, S., Myers, L. & Whelton, K.P. (2001). Dietary Potassium Intake and Risk of Stroke in US Men and Women : National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey I Epidemiologic Follow-Up Study. Journal of The American Heart Association: Stroke, 32,1473-1480.

Howell, B.A. (2009). Update on health benefits of cranberry and blueberry. Acta Hort, 810, 779–785.

Jepson, R.G. & Craig, J.C.(2007). A system review of the evidence for cranberries and blueberries in UTI prevention. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research Special Issue: Berry Fruits. 51, (6), 738‐745.

Le Marchand, L., Murphy, S.P., Hankin, J.H., Wilkens, R.L. & Kolonel, N.L. (2000). Intake of Flavonoids and Lung Cancer. Journal of National Cancer Institute. 92, (2), 154-160.

Write Up References

Belk, R. (1997). The Goblin and the Huckster: A Story of Consumer Desire for Sensual Luxury. In Stephen Brown, Anne Marie Doherty, and Bill Clarke (eds.). Proceedings of the Marketing Illuminations Spectacular, Belfast: University of Ulster: 290 –299.

Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. (1979.) Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica, 47, 263-291.

Levy, S.J. (1981). Interpreting Consumer Mythology: A Structural Approach to Consumer Behaviour. Journal of Marketing. 45, (3), 49-61.

Praxmarer, S. & Gierl, H. (2009). The effects of positive and negative ad‐evoked associations on brand attitude. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 21, (4), 507 - 520.

Wang, X., Ouyang, Y., Liu, J., Zhu, M., Zhao, G., Bao, W., & Hu, F. B. (2014). Fruit and vegetable consumption and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. BMJ, 349, 4490.

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